At Eternal Petals, we love making people happy with our beautiful one-year roses. Although many people purchase our roses to go in their own homes, lots of our lovely customers also purchase infinity roses as an extra special gift. So today, we thought we’d take a quick look at just a few people who will love our one-year roses in a box.

An Important Friend
Maybe it’s her birthday or possibly you just feel like sending your love, our eternal roses in a box are the perfect way to surprise a friend with a gift that stylishly balances classic style with a contemporary twist. Choose from a range of box options and a wide collection of rose colours to create a personalised box of roses that suits a special friend to perfection.

Your Fiancé
If you’re planning a proposal and crave an extra special touch to make your romantic setting even more beautiful, a box of our one-year roses is the perfect finishing piece. Luxurious, stunning and long-lasting, gift her something to keep to remember that incredibly special moment (alongside the ring!).

A New Mum
When someone you know and love has a baby, it’s tempting to head out and purchase the cutest and smallest baby outfits that you know will only last two months but you just couldn’t resist. However, how about instead, you opt for something very special for mum. Instead of regular flowers that she’ll have to deal with and throw away after a week or so, give her a box of infinity roses that she can keep until the baby is at least one. A unique gift that will brighten up a new mum’s home with a long-lasting burst of colour and zero maintenance.

House Movers
A beautiful gift for a new home, what better way to start the decorating than to brighten up a room with a stunning box of real roses. A gift designed to last, choose a classic hue, such as red or white or opt for a bright pop of colour to welcome a friend or family member to a new exciting time of their lives and a brand-new home.

Your Mum
As mentioned in our previous blog all about Mother’s Day gift ideas, eternal roses are a beautiful way to gift flowers to your mum that she can keep for longer than any other. But it doesn’t just have to be Mother’s Day for the perfect occasion. Any time of year, present your mum with a display of one-year roses that she’s guaranteed to adore and make her day just a little bit more special.
No matter to whom you plan to gift your one-year roses, they’re undeniably a beautiful and luxurious gift idea, perfect for something just a touch more special than regular flowers. Take a look through the Eternal Petals collections and find the perfect box and rose colours to suit your special recipient today and don’t forget to tag us on Instagram with a picture of your chosen box of roses.